The Home of Trentfest
Welcome to Trent Valley DA
The Camping & Caravanning Club
Join The Camping & Caravanning Club here
Our committee is made up entirely from volunteers who give their time freely to plan and arrange various camping events throughout the year on behalf of its members. These are run in accordance with rules set out by The Camping & Caravanning Club.
If you want to join our committee, please speak to any current member, who will be glad to help you.
Committee Members for 2023 / 2024:
Honorary President:
Jon Hammond
Chairman (& Sites Officer):
(+ Executive Committee member)
Trevor Harrison
Vice Chairman:
Mark Taylor
(+ Executive Committee member)
Honourable Secretary:
(+ Executive Committee member)
Caroline Crick
Honourable Treasurer:
(+ Executive Committee member)
Frankie Cook
Social Officer:
(+ Executive Committee member)
Kelly Holmes
Equipment Officer:
Rob Flint
Public Relations Officer:
Andrea Flint
Fundraising Officer:
Lesley Pindar
Regional Representative:
Jon Hammond
Bookings Officer:
Stella Harrison
Trentfest Enquiries:
CCY Leader:
(+ Vice Chairman & Executive Committee member)
Mark & Sally Taylor
CCJ Leaders:
Lesley & Charles Pindar
Catering Officer
Nigel & Carol Bingham
General Committee Member:
Dennis Purbrick
Web Manager
(non-committee role)
Trevor Harrison